🍠Dumb fucking sweet potato🍠

My name is KK
Age 24 (16/2/1999)
Australia (GMT+10)
Native English speaker and beginner/intermediate Japanese πŸ”°πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅


Oh hello, it's your local ghost and magical girl enthusiastIf you fuck with any of the following:
πŸ’– Magical girls
πŸ’– Yumekawaii stuff in general actually
πŸ’– Learning Japanese language
πŸ’– Supergiant Games
πŸ’– Persona
πŸ’– Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
πŸ’– Lord Huron
Then welcome to my heart, bucko


If you're a TERF or a MAP or whatever then just. Don't. Don't message me if you're gonna be rude and gross, like racist or exclusionary either. Also don't interact if you're DDLG/CGL/little space, even if you're talking from a SFW account.Anyway...Feel free to hit me up on any of these.I'm most active on Tumblr and Discord, but occasionally I pop up on Twitter to shout into the void. Instagram is weird, but there's my face if you wanted to see it.Discord: Sheepins#9152